How Integrating DevOps And Blockchain Is Improving Application Development

What We Have Covered in This Article

Last Updated on August 3, 2021 by Editor Futurescope

There are several ways integrating DevOps and blockchain is improving application development. Importantly, blockchain infrastructure can provide a high security level for storing data and transmitting funds. By using the DevOps methodology, many developers are seeing more success in their cryptocurrency app development projects. As a software development manager, you need to know how DevOps and blockchain together can provide tactical, strategic advantages in your crypto app pipeline. This way, you can optimize your DevOps development process and blockchain infrastructure deployments for higher market success. Read on to learn about how integrating DevOps and Blockchain is improving application development. 

Greater Transparency

First, using DevOps for blockchain systems can offer greater transparency throughout the app development process. With a DevOps cryptocurrency and blockchain integration, participants on the blockchain can instantly view software issues and application delivery status. Notably, this works to increase visibility in the continuous delivery process. In addition, some DevOps blockchain developers are using smart contracts to streamline how code moves through the pipeline. For example, you can identify continuous integration issues by verifying smart contracts on the blockchain. If there is a problem, the smart contract could require a fix before the code advances through the lifecycle. Definitely, integrating DevOps for blockchain development can increase transparency for a more reliable application development process.

Increasing Efficiency

Next, integrating DevOps and blockchain is also increasing efficiency in the app development process. For example, many developers use JFrog Pipelines to ship updates faster and automate key coding processes. Importantly, this platform can automate build, test, and deployment procedures within your CI/CD infrastructure. In addition, this tool set scales horizontally. This way, you can support thousands of users as your application grows. Notably, these optimization tools are using blockchain technology to identify changes in the CI/CD pipeline. Indeed, JFrog’s industry-first innovation Signed Pipelines keeps a cryptographic signed ledger to ensure pipeline processes are performed on certified, unique binaries. In short, you can adopt advanced DevOps and blockchain technology to increase efficiency securely in your pipeline.

Higher Security

In addition, you can increase security by integrating DevOps with blockchain. Notably, DevSecOps emphasizes implementing security procedures as early as possible in the lifecycle. If you are note already familiar, you should learn exactly what is DevSecOps. Often, this involves automating security testing and bug tracking. Since the blockchain network needs to be tested for performance and latency, DevSecOps can work to minimize vulnerabilities in blockchain systems. Simultaneously, testing your blockchain system can assess the integrity of the network and check that you maintain the shared blockchain ledger. Ideally, you should track all of your security vulnerabilities, their detection timeline, and the time it takes to remediate them. This way, your team members can take ownership of various elements to foster stronger security.

More Reliable Smart Contracts

Moreover, DevOps and blockchain integration is also increasing reliability for smart contracts. Importantly, smart contracts are programs that are stored on the blockchain that run when certain predetermined conditions are met. Typically, developers use them to automate the execution of an agreement. Indeed, they can trigger the next action once the conditions are met. Notably, DevOps teams can use smart contracts to control code flow through the continuous delivery pipeline. Often this provides an increased error transparency for more reliable applications. In addition, DevOps teams can enforce service level agreements (SLAs) through the smart contracts as well. Often, this can improve ensure that applications that are not performing at top functionality are detected.

The Future Of Blockchain And DevOps

Furthermore, blockchain and DevOps will likely continue to impact each other into the future of application development. According to executive tech experts, nearly every Fortune 500 company will be using blockchain and smart contracts to process transactions in the near future. In addition, DevOps teams are expected to play a key role in blockchain adoption. Indeed, they are in a unique position to determine the value of blockchain on a financial and operational level. Often, this value depends on how well blockchain fits into the existing governance systems and legacy transactional networks. As businesses recognize blockchain’s power beyond cryptocurrency, enterprises will likely continue to integrate it into their structures.

There are several ways integrating DevOps and blockchain is improving application development. First, DevOps for blockchain systems offers greater transparency in the application development process. Next, DevOps and blockchain together are working to increase efficiency for developers. In addition, DevOps and blockchain integration can enhance security in your pipeline as well. Moreover, this combination is increasing reliability for smart contracts. Furthermore, the DevOps methodology and blockchain infrastructure will likely impact one another into the foreseeable future. Consider these points to learn about how integrating DevOps and blockchain is improving application development.

Editor Futurescope
Editor Futurescope

Founding writer of Futurescope. Nascent futures, foresight, future emerging technology, high-tech and amazing visions of the future change our world. The Future is closer than you think!

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