Fixes For The “Confirm Form Resubmission Error” Popup on Chrome

What We Have Covered in This Article

Last Updated on October 17, 2020 by Editor Futurescope

The internet has evolved to be critical to our everyday lives as a survival essential. Yes, a day rarely passes by without the need to consult the internet. Either for some guidance, to perform a transaction, or to get information about the happenings of the world around you. Web browsers are the gateways for you to access the internet using your mobile phones, computers, and other gadgets.

Most common of all being the google chrome browser. It is, therefore, annoying when that browser you rely so much on upon gives off errors when you are in the middle of performing a transaction. This article is here to address one such error, which is commonly known as the confirm form resubmission error. If you have met this error, which I am positive you have, they follow this article as we tackle how to make life a little easier.

What is the confirm form resubmission error, and how does it occur?

The confirm form resubmission popup usually occurs in chrome web browsers, not eliminating other browsers, however. Some consider it an error while others say it is a feature deliberately left by the developers of the browser. The reason is to prevent duplication of data already entered into the databases. Some also attribute it too weak a weak module for the backward and forward movement. It pops up with a dialog when you refresh your browser or try to go back. The message read:

“This webpage requires data that you earlier to be correctly displayed. You can also send this data again, but by doing, so you will be repeating any action this page had performed. Press the reload button for resubmitting the data needed to load the page.”

Why does this Occur

  • Absence of proper internet connection can be a cause
  • Refreshing a page with input forms
  • Interrupting a page while it is loading to submit a form by clicking the back option.

When can you get to view this message?

It usually pops up on sites that use a form such as:

  • Sign-up and login forms.
  • Database search forms
  • Transaction completing forms
  • Forms that can result in database changes after entry.

How to Tackle the “Error”

Since it is such a common occurrence, there are many approaches to fix this issue. However, I have picked the easiest and effective methods you can apply to rid yourself of this error.

1) Checking internet connection

It might come off as a silly thing to do, but checking if your internet connectivity is not poor is the first method you can use. After that, you should turn off connectivity, turn it on again, and check for the error.

2) Clearing Browsing Data

This can help because the function tries to prevent duplication of data, and it has to remember the previous entries from the history. Therefore, follow these steps to do it:

  • Click on the top right dots of your chrome browser
  • Go to more tools and select “Clear browsing data.”
  • Select data that you want to clear in “Advanced Tabs.”

Now try again to use the browser and see if the issue persists.

3) Disabling corrupted Extensions

Confirm Form Resubmission error is sometimes because of corrupt browser extensions. Disabling extensions might be all the fixing you need to do, and here is how you do it.

  • Go and click on the three vertical dots on the top right corner.
  • Go to more tools then to extensions.
  • Find the corrupted Extension, disable and re-enable it again.
  • Return to the page and check for the error.

You can do this by disabling each extension separately if you are not sure of the corrupted one.

4) Replacing the POST method

Generally, there are two methods used to post data entered in a form by the user. These are the Post method and the Get method. These methods differ in the sense that the POST method hides details entered in the URL while the other shows what you entered in the submission form. Therefore, Post is more popular. However changing the method may solve the issue, and here is how:

  • Remove POST and replace it with GET in the URL using this piece of code:

//To Remove POST

<form action = “index.php?load=search” method= “POST”>

//To Use Get

<form action = “index.php?load=search” method= “GET”>

Go back to the page and enjoy browsing, however, remember to revert to the more secure option.

5) Using Browser Properties

This attempts to change Google Chrome Properties as a solution. First, create a shortcut and follow the steps below

  • Right-click on the Shortcut icon of Chrome and select Properties.
  • Find the field named target
  • Add the following text to the already written text in Target


  • Close Chrome and open with the same short checking for the error.

6) Disabling motion across browser

Some experts argue that this issue is not an error but rather a safeguard to avoid data duplication. Therefore accidentally moving either backward or forward may result in this popup message. Solving this requires disabling motion buttons of moving either forward or backward for the browser and disabling the sliding option for touch screen devices.

7) Resetting Browser Settings

If you resort to resetting settings, here is how to use it for tackling the issue.

  • Press three dots, select the settings options
  • Select advanced settings
  • Find the option for restoring settings to original defaults and Reset Settings.

8) Using the PRG Pattern

PRG stands for POST/Redirect/GET pattern; however, the POST Part it the one usually implemented instead of the safe full pattern. Designing pages with forms requires adding a page in-between the form page and the next page to prevent direct posting of data submitted.

This middle page is where the processing occurs before being sent to the server. Therefore, no issues will arise even due to accidental refreshing, as the browser will remember to GET as its last method.

To Wrap Up

I hope that by following these ways I have provided above, you can get yourself free from the annoying error messages. So go ahead and enjoy browsing uninterruptedly by the Confirm Form Resubmission error, mostly in Google Chrome and even in other browsers.

Editor Futurescope
Editor Futurescope

Founding writer of Futurescope. Nascent futures, foresight, future emerging technology, high-tech and amazing visions of the future change our world. The Future is closer than you think!

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