GoGoPDF Guide: The Online Tools For Your Different Online Document Needs

What We Have Covered in This Article

Last Updated on January 22, 2021 by Editor Futurescope

The opportunities in handling your online documents may come in different types of forms. You can start configuring your online documents by using a third-party tool for your online documents. An example of an excellent third-party tool is GoGoPDF; they have been the go-to site by many individuals to configure Portable Document Formats.

Why does GoGoPDF focus its online tools in configuring a PDF? The right answer to that question is because a PDF consists of many unique features that the other formats don’t possess. The public also considers a PDF as the most versatile format, which leads to it being the most used format for online documents.

GoGoPDF consists of many online tools you can use for your PDF files. To give you a go through on the possibilities of what you can do with your online documents when using GoGoPDF, here is a list of the online tools that are available on their platform.

Converting PDF Files

You can use the platform of PDFBear to help you convert your PDF files. Converting PDF files has been an essential thing to do during this Time, where we handle different types of online document formats. Having this kind of tool will allow you to use every online document format for your document’s contents.

PDF converter will help you convert from different types of formats. You can convert from PDF to Word, PDF to JPG, PDF to Excel, PDF to PPT, PDF to PNG, PDF to PDF/a. You can also convert from a PDF file into another kind of online document format like Word to PDF, JPG to PDF, Excel to PDF, PPT to PDF, HTML, and PDF.

Converting from format to format is one of the best things that GoGoPDF offers to the public. However, this is just the starting point of the vast option of online tools you can use in their platform. Every Time you spend your Time using the online tools of GoGoPDF will be an opportunity for you to learn more about online documents.

Compressing PDF Files

Compressing PDF files is also included in the most used online tools from their platform. Each Time you compress your PDF file will allow you to have a more spacious space for your other files embedded in your device or computer. Compressing your PDF files also gives you the convenience of transferring the data of your online document much quicker.

However, when you are compressing your PDF files, you should always remember that you might be giving up the quality of the images from your PDF file’s content. You can choose what type of compression you want for your online document. Keep in mind that the lower you put the compression, the lesser you will experience the quality of your online document.

Split PDF Files

You might find yourself reading a PDF file that you only want to save a specific part from the PDF file that you are reading. An excellent way to help you with your problem is using the online tool of GoGoPDF called “Split PDF.” This will allow you to divide the PDF files into two or more, depending on your preference. 

When you split your PDF files into two, you can benefit from dividing the right parts and the bad parts. This will help you to be able to read the things that you only want for future needs. A good thing to also do is to delete the bad parts or the parts you do not need. Hence, your storage will be much more spacious than before.

Merge PDF Files

Suppose you can split your PDF files into two or more PDF files. You can also merge PDF files into a single PDF file. This is usually done when you need to compile PDF files that have the same purpose or contents. When you gather this kind of document, you will benefit from having a convenient reading experience for you or the recipient of your compiled PDF file.

One drawback that you will experience when merging PDF files has a large single PDF file size. This might be a disadvantage because some other platforms have a limited number of file size requirements uploading or transferring files.


GoGoPDF will give you the best online tools you can ask for. You can even get the online tools that you did not ask for because they have numerous online tools for your today’s needs and future needs for your online documents.

Editor Futurescope
Editor Futurescope

Founding writer of Futurescope. Nascent futures, foresight, future emerging technology, high-tech and amazing visions of the future change our world. The Future is closer than you think!

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