The Truth About Programmatic Advertising and B2B Sales

What We Have Covered in This Article

Last Updated on September 17, 2022 by Editor Futurescope

Suppose you’re a B2B marketer, and you’ve likely heard that most B2C businesses utilize programmatic advertising — a cutting-edge, clever digital marketing method to raise brand exposure, lead generation, and sales.

This may prompt you to ponder what programmatic advertising is, how it operates, and whether your B2B company can use it.

If this describes you, keep reading because this article will educate you on the truth about B2B programmatic advertising and how it helps with B2B sales and marketing to B2B companies.

What Is Programmatic Advertising

Programmatic advertising, in simple terms, is the algorithmic process of buying and selling real-time digital advertisements. Ad exchanges control this automated process, allowing businesses to target and display advertisements depending on the viewer, strategically.

For instance, when someone interested in graphic design visits a website, the publisher transmits information to the supply side platform (SSP), which then sends it to ad exchanges, where it is promptly picked up by the demand side platform (DSP).

This notifies advertisers that a graphic design ad space is available for purchase. There will then be an online auction, with the advertiser who offers the highest price winning the ad space. As a result, the advertiser shows a graphics design advertisement to the viewer, initially interested in graphics design. In most cases, the ad is successful.

Although the entire procedure can appear drawn out, it just takes a few milliseconds thanks to automation and programming—most of the time, even as the webpage loads. Programmatic advertising functions the same for B2B as it does for B2C, except that in this scenario, the viewer is a company brand interested in what you, as a B2B marketer, have to offer.

Suppose you’re wondering what SSP and DSP mean. They refer to the two platforms used by the advertiser and publisher for such digital business transactions.

An advertiser uses the demand side platform to monitor numerous real-time ad exchanges. In this manner, the advertiser manages several ad exchanges using a single platform and gets informed when ad spots become available.

On the other hand, the publisher uses the supply side platform to inform the ad exchanges that advertising spots are available for purchase. The publisher also uses this technology to place and sell advertising space automatically.

Benefits of Programmatic Advertising

Even the B2B and B2C markets can benefit from this new digital marketing strategy in several ways. As a result, applying this technique to your company as a B2B marketer would be great. Programmatic advertising has some advantages, such as:

1.     Higher Conversion Rate

The click-through and conversion rates are increased since the ads are purposefully shown to people who are already interested in what you have to offer. For instance, when someone visits a vehicle website, an advertisement for car batteries seems more pertinent to them than an advertisement for dogs. If such visitors had intended to purchase a new car battery, they would most likely click on the advertisement link offered.

2.     Manages only one platform

Traditionally as a B2B marketer, you must manage multiple platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Google to display your ads to find your target business. But with the use of programmatic advertising, you only have to use a DSP to manage various ad exchanges linked to multiple publishers/SSPs. This helps you save time, resources, and energy that can be redirected to other vital things.

3.     Contextual Advertisements

With programmatic advertising only relevant advertisements are placed. This means that the adverts are targeted to suit the context of the website it’s been displayed in. Because the adverts are contextual, they tend to look and feel more natural to the visitor and consequently have a higher conversion rate.

4.     Saves Time and Cost

Although you might need to pay higher prices to be able to place a targeted advertisement, the cost you will generally need to acquire and convert your leads is lesser compared to doing it in a less targeted way. This is because the ads displayed are relevant to the lead, so naturally, they are compelled to click on the ad link.

Additionally, the time you spend negotiating with different publishers and setting up various ad campaigns is already shortened, as all of these are managed by automated technology.

5.     Easy Monitoring and Optimization

When you place ads traditionally, you might be unable to monitor how well the ads are doing and what areas you need to put in more effort to optimize them. However, with programmatic advertising, you can do this quickly. Additionally, it can be done immediately, if you need to tweak a little of your ad text. This prevents you from serving ads for an extended period that

are not performing well.

Does Programmatic Advertising Work in B2B Sales and Marketing?

Despite being popular in business-to-consumer marketing, programmatic advertising is also effective in business-to-business advertising. So, the simple answer to whether programmatic advertising is effective in B2B marketing is yes.

However, as a B2B marketer, it can necessitate some additional labor. To successfully present targeted adverts to other business brands, you need to find a DSP with access to a network of publishers that your target business audience is likely to visit. The right DSP is essential to have successful B2B programmatic advertising.

Furthermore, as a B2B marketer wanting to display targeted advertisements, you can either do it through the following four methods:

  • Contextual targeting: Displaying advertisements that suit the feel and nature of the website’s context. Thus, making it seem natural to the viewer.
  • Keywords-based targeting: In this scenario, the adverts are targeted based on specific keywords supplied by the visitor.
  • Data-based targeting: Advertisements are displayed based on the user’s data. This data is obtained when the advertiser links a DSP to a data management platform (DMP). This platform stores information about users.
  • Location-based targeting: This method works well if you want to introduce your business to people living in a particular location. Thus, such advertisements are displayed to users residing in that intended location.

Some marketers might also use the retargeting strategy, whereby advertisements are displayed to people who have already engaged in your marketing campaigns or website.


Any business can make an intelligent choice by choosing to follow technological trends. This is true with programmatic advertising, an innovative development that has aided numerous brands in growing and achieving their objectives. Thanks to the targeted display of adverts, it works well and aids enterprise resource management.

Furthermore, because this is automated, many internal resources will be saved. Therefore, as a B2B marketer, programmatic advertising is one digital marketing tactic you should implement to optimize your business effectively.

Editor Futurescope
Editor Futurescope

Founding writer of Futurescope. Nascent futures, foresight, future emerging technology, high-tech and amazing visions of the future change our world. The Future is closer than you think!

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